Health and Medicine

General Information Diseases & Conditions Drug Information Doctors, Hospitals & Medical Schools
Online Medical Journals

General Information

MEDLINEplus is the National Library of Medicine's web site for consumer health information. It is a selective list of authoritative health information sources from National Institute of Health and other organizations. Check the Health Topics section.

Medline Plus Tutorial on Evaluating Internet Health Information
Evaluating Internet Health Information" is a 16-minute narrated slideshow. Using fictional "good" and "bad" Web sites, the tutorial walks the user though a comparison of the two, pointing out features to look for concerning the information provider, funding source, quality, and privacy.

MEDLINEplus en Español
MEDLINEplus is also now available in Spanish.
California State & Local Planning & Response Activities are available at this site.

Visible Human Project
The Visible Human Project consists of some 18,000 digitized sections of the body. The animations and images in this tour demonstrate the planes of section, and how the two-dimensional images provide a unique means of studying the three-dimensional anatomy of the human body. A fascinating new view of the human body!

Medical Breakthroughs
Medical Breakthroughs - Breakthrough Medical News from the world's leading medical centers and research labs.

Centers for Disease Control Home Page
Opens with a subject directory with links to information on specific diseases. Most useful for health related international travel information.

Diseases and Conditions

Stuttering Foundation of America
The Stuttering Foundation provides free online resources, services and support to those who stutter and their families, as well as support for research into the causes of stuttering.

MEDLINEplus is the National Library of Medicine's web site for consumer health information. It is a selective list of authoritative health information sources from National Institue of Health and other organizations. Check the Health Topics section.

MEDLINEplus en Español
MEDLINEplus is also now available in Spanish.

American Cancer Society
General Patient Information includes many Fact Sheets.

National Cancer Institute
Information on a wide variety of topics is presented.

Cancer information, treatment and research is provided by Abramson Cancer Center at the University of Pennsylvania

Alzheimer's Disease
Nationwide network of 81 chapters and 300 local points of service.

Drug Information

MEDLINEplus is the National Library of Medicine's web site for consumer health information. It is a selective list of authoritative health information sources from National Institue of Health and other organizations. Check the Drug Information section.

MEDLINEplus en Español
MEDLINEplus is also now available in Spanish.

RxList - The Internet Drug Index
The RxList Database consists primarily of products currently on the US market or close to approval searchable by brand or generic name. Compiled by Neil Sandow, Pharm.D. who has been a hospital pharmacy director in the SF Bay Area for the past twelve years and an Internet enthusiast since 1994.

Clinical Trials
An international listing of ongoing clinical trials actively recruiting patients.

Merck Manual
Your Internet copy of the old standard.

Online Medical Journals

National Library of Medicine(NLM)
Provides consumer health information; all types of clinical research studies; health information on genetic conditions; senior health and aging information; toxicology, environmental health, and HIV/AIDS. Freely accessible database to public. The world's largest biomedical library and the developer of electronic information services.

The National Library of Medicine provides this search service to access the 9 million citations in MEDLINE and Pre-MEDLINE (with links to participating on-line journals), and other related databases.

Doctors, Hospitals & Medical Schools

MEDLINEplus is the National Library of Medicine's web site for consumer health information. It is a selective list of authoritative health information sources from National Institue of Health and other organizations. Check the Directories section.

MEDLINEplus en Español
MEDLINEplus is also now available in Spanish.

Medical Board of California
The Medical Board of California is the State agency that licenses medical doctors, investigates complaints and disciplines those who violate the law. This site enables you to search for information on a doctor, verify their license or specialties, and provides a number of other useful medical links.

American Hospital Directory
The American Hospital Directory provides comparative data for most hospitals. Information is taken from Medicare claims data, cost reports, and other public use files obtained from the federal Health Care Financing Administration.

AMA Physician Select
Contains credential information on all US licensed physicians. There are over 650,000 MDs and Doctors of Osteopathy in this database, which can be searched by physician's name and state, or by any of over 20 medical specialties.