
E-books and Audio Books E-books and Audio Books - EBooks and Audiobooks from OverDrive. Users from outside the library may browse the library's website, check out with a valid library card, and download to PC, Mac, and many mobile devices. Users will need to install free software. Titles can be enjoyed immediately or transferred to a variety of devices, including iPod, Sony Reader, and many others. Patrons may check out 3 titles at a time. Lending period is 14 days - though may be returned early. Titles will automatically expire at the end of the lending period. While there aren't renewals, item may be checked out again if there aren't holds on it. There are no late fees! Titles may not be downloaded within library except to laptops or wireless mobile devices. Thanks to the San Bernardino City Library Foundation for sponsoring the library's Overdrive subscription and purchasing content.